Mastering Logistics: 5 SME Success Stories with Supply Chain Management Software in Singapore

supply chain management software

With the increasing complexity of supply chains and customer demands, the need for efficient Supply Chain Management (SCM) Software has never been greater. If you are a Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) in logistics, freight forwarding, and transportation persisting in the old ways, you must find that you are encountering more challenges by the day.

Looking to turn the tide but not convinced that supply chain management software is the answer? Well, here are 5 examples of SMEs who have gone ahead and tackled their issues head-on with One Logis’ customized solutions to great success. Let’s take a look at how they did it.


Challenge 1: Inefficient Freight Management

When we first met Company A (an SME in Singapore’s freight forwarding sector), they were facing a huge struggle with a lack of coordination in their shipping operations due to a significant increase in volumes. While it is technically a “good” problem, leaving it unresolved for the long term could potentially cause them to lose customers.

Some of the top issues included facing delays due to manual order tracking, lost documents, and ineffective communication with customers. This led to missed deadlines, unsatisfied customers, and inevitably lost revenue.


It’s not an understatement to say that implementing One Logis’s Freight Management System revolutionized their business.

Our customized system’s real-time freight tracking allowed them to monitor shipments at every stage, while e-document management eliminated the hassle of lost or misfiled paperwork.

Furthermore, the adoption of an intuitive customer web portal helped facilitate better communication with clients, providing them with up-to-date information and improving customer service.

Additional analytics and reporting tools (a module part of the system) also further enabled them to analyze operational data, leading to informed decision-making and enhanced strategic planning for the long term.


Challenge 2: Complex Rate Management and Customer Relationship Handling

 Company B (an SME in the shipping industry) was dealing with fluctuating freight rates and managing customer relationships in the traditional manual way.

After a sit-down discussion with the team, we learnt that the manual handling of rate cards was a time-consuming, error-prone, and inefficient workflow. On top of that, they did not have a systematic way of keeping track of sales leads and customer interactions. As such, it constantly resulted in missed opportunities and a disjointed customer experience.


Due to their specific issues, Company B was recommended to adopt our Freight Rate Management module as well as a CRM solution to enhance their processes.

With the Freight Rate Management module, they were able to generate customizable rate card templates and enjoy the automated quote generation feature which helped save time and reduce human errors.

Furthermore, the system’s capability to manage carrier buy rates and generate quotes automatically led to more competitive pricing strategies.

The CRM solution helped to address the issue of organizing sales leads and customer interactions. Having a consolidated platform where all sales leads and interactions are stored, with reminders to follow up at appropriate time intervals, ensured no opportunity was missed and significantly improved the overall customer engagement experience.


Challenge 3: Warehouse Management Inefficiencies

Company C (a local warehousing SME) was losing track of inventory due to fluctuating volumes due to peak and off-peak seasons – leading to overstocking or stockouts. As such, their warehouse space was poorly utilized. On top of that, they were still implementing manual inventory processes which were labour-intensive and error prone. Overall, these inefficiencies resulted in increased operational costs and reduced profitability.


Adopting One Logis’s Warehouse Management System brought about a significant change within less than a few months.

Features like real-time inventory management helped the warehouse supervisors maintain optimal stock levels at all times, while warehouse space optimization tools maximized the use of available space. The ability of the software to integrate with mobile devices also meant that inventory management could be done on the go.

Also, features, like enhanced stock control and cycle counting, helped to improve accuracy in inventory reporting, leading to reduced wastage and better financial control.


Challenge 4: Delivery and Transport Coordination Issues

Company D (a delivery and transport SME) was facing challenges with inefficient routing, leading to delayed deliveries and increased fuel costs.

Additionally, their lack of real-time tracking was causing communication gaps with customers, and there was no effective system for managing driver schedules or delivery confirmations. Quite the nightmare for them.


Fortunately, the Delivery & Transport Management System from One Logis addressed these issues head-on.

Route optimization modules helped to reduce travel time and fuel costs, while real-time parcel tracking and electronic proof of delivery features helped enhance transparency with customers and improved delivery reliability.

Last but not least, the efficient driver management feature also helped to ensure better allocation of resources and smoother operations.


Challenge 5: Fleet Management and Maintenance Hurdles

Managing a fleet of vehicles was a constant struggle for Company E (a last-mile delivery service provider), with challenges in tracking vehicle movements, maintaining vehicles, managing fuel usage, and documenting safety incidents.


In this case, the Fleet Management System from One Logis provided a quick and comprehensive solution.

GPS tracking features ensured real-time visibility of all vehicles, while tools for asset maintenance and fuel management optimized the usage and upkeep of the fleet. The system’s ability to document safety incidents helped the SME in maintaining compliance and enhancing safety standards.


Want To Be an SME Success Story with One Logis’s Supply Chain Management Software?

Whether you are facing similar issues as the companies in the case studies above, or finding yourself dealing with entirely different problems, the truth of the matter is that the complexities of modern supply chains require new, advanced solutions.

At One Logis, we are here to help! Our suite of Supply Chain Management Software offers many tools (off the shelf as well as customized ones) to help businesses like yours navigate your unique SME challenges.

Ready to embrace efficiency, improve customer satisfaction, and drive growth? Simply reach out to our friendly team at One Logis for a non-obligatory meeting to learn about tailored supply chain management solutions that fit your business needs.

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