50% Government Grant

Leverage the Singapore Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) to defray up to 50% of project implementation cost when you adopt One Logis’s cloud-based ERP software to streamline your logistics operations and accelerate your business growth! 

Overview of EDG

The Singapore government introduced the Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) to support local companies on their digital transformation journey. The grant is applicable for projects that help local companies upgrade and improve their businesses under 3 main categories:

Core Capabilities

Financial Management
Service Excellence
Strategic Brand & Marketing
Business Strategy Development
Human Capital Development

Innovation & Productivity

Product Development
Process Redesign

Market Access

Mergers & Acquisitions
Pilot Project & Test Bedding
Standards Adoption

Which Solutions Are Supported by the EDG?

All our logistics software solutions meet the Automation criteria under the Innovation & Productivity category:

Accounting and Finance

Freight Management System

Warehouse Management System

Last-mile and Transport Management System

Fleet Management System

Rate Management, CRM and many more...

EDG Eligibility Requirements

The highest level support of government assistance for EDG projects is 50%. To be qualified, your business needs to be:

Registered and operating in Singapore

At least 30% local shareholding

Financial ready to start and complete the project

Additional Support

Other than the EDG, you can also receive up to S$7,000 credit by leveraging the SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit (SFEC) if you meet the following requirements during the qualifying period (please refer to link here for more details):

 Sounds confusing? Don’t worry! 

We have certified consultants at One Logis that can help you with any grant application.

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